We're devoted to community-driven environmental work.

CIELO is a non-profit organization that supports environmental and community health initiatives.

We are dedicated to the regeneration of the planet.

Nature is our wisest teacher. Our projects strive to protect and enhance natural systems that maintain clean water and air, healthy soils, and thriving communities. 

We celebrate the diversity of our global family.

We believe that modern science should be complemented with wisdom from traditional practices and indigenous worldviews.

Our Partnership with CEPC Toliman

CIELO’s first partner is CEPC Toliman, a community-focused permaculture initiative in rural Guatemala founded and run entirely by indigenous Maya-Kaqchikel people. They are dedicated to protecting the environment and empowering the local community through ecological agriculture projects and training.

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July 26, 2024


Mia Smith

Living Maya/CIELO July Newsletter

Mely graduates from cooking school, electricity is brought to CEPC Toliman, two new interns, and more!

August 30, 2022


Mia Smith

Opening: Community Manager

We’re looking for someone to join our team and help launch a project rooted in Maya culture and spirituality. Please help us share with anyone who might fit the description!

Who We Are

CIELO means ‘Sky’ or ‘Heavens’ in Spanish and is an acronym for Colectivo de Iniciativas Ecologicas (Collective of Ecological Initiatives).
CIELO is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization registered in Honolulu, Hawaii.

“I dream of a world guided by a lens of stories rooted in the revelations of science and framed with an indigenous worldview — stories in which matter and spirit are given voice.”

—Robin Wall Kimmerrer, Braiding Sweetgrass

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